Downtown Collision


Tips for Preventing Auto Collisions

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Here are some more great tips on keeping you and your family safe, keeping insurance rates affordable and reduce the risk of collisions.

Safe Driving Distance

Give yourself plenty of room behind the vehicle ahead of you to stop. If weather conditions are unfavorable, it’s even more important to stay a safe distance away from the vehicle in front of you.

Practice the National Safety Council’s 3-Second Rule.

Drive Defensively

Avoid drivers who are speeding, following too closely, driving erratically, or not paying attention.

By changing lanes, slowing down, or passing other drivers who are not driving safely, you avoid situations that force you to brake suddenly, reducing the risk of a collision.

Attentive Driving

Eliminate all distractions so your focus remains on the most important thing… driving safely.

Always keep your eyes on the road. Things like talking on the phone, texting, eating, or trying to find something in the car are all distractions that could take your eyes off the road for just long enough to be involved in a collision.

Sober Driving

Never operate a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Even things like over-the-counter medications have a big impact on your ability to respond to situations on the road that could result in a collision.

Drowsy Driving

The National Safety Council has some very sobering statistics about sleep-deprived driving.

Some of those statistics include:

  • Driving while drowsy decreases drivers’ reaction times, awareness of hazards, and ability to sustain attention.
  • Going 20 or more hours without sleep is the equivalent of driving with a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.08% or the U.S. legal limit of intoxication.
  • When tired, you are 3X more likely to be involved in a collision.


Instead of parking in packed areas in lots, look for less dense areas with less traffic when you can. Parking in less-busy areas reduces the odds of being hit by another vehicle.

When parking on the street, avoid parking directly across from other vehicles. This gives other drivers more room to pass by parked vehicles safely.

Weather-Related Driving

With inclement weather and poor visibility or road conditions, lower vehicle speed to maintain control of your vehicle.

Vehicle Maintenance

Cracked windshields decrease visibility and may cause blinding glare when the sun or lights hit the crack or chip.

Check brakes at each oil change to make sure they are in good shape and functioning properly.

Worn tires should be replaced immediately because, without proper tread or air pressure, traction and stopping abilities are compromised.

Rules of the Road

As both an alert and a courtesy to other drivers, always use turn signals when turning or switching lanes.

Obey traffic signals. Yellow lights don’t mean to accelerate; try to get through the intersection before the light turns red.

Running red lights increases collision risks as other drivers obey the “green means go” signal and don’t expect a car in the intersection.


Observing traffic safety rules, paying full attention, and driving defensively are just a few of the ways you can avoid a collision.

Despite your best efforts, collisions, fender benders, and accidents happen. When they do, call the collision repair experts at Downtown Collision in Santa Rosa.